Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday 3-29-11

Happy birthday Amy! Our youngest turned 20, so close to being empty nesters waahoo!
For the most part we are and it is so nice and quiet.

Today I started the couch to 5k program. I have done a bit of running before now and it was pretty much the same as the program. A good warm up then 1 min on 60-90 seconds off, do this for 30 min. It went well today, found myself not watching the clock which helps a lot. 8- 1 minute runs, it was a good start.

After dinner I did my warm up 30 push-pull-dip-squat-sit ups. Max thrusters is the WOD. I am putting it off till tomorrow, it would of been a total bust to try. My legs are so sore. So instead I did some bench press work. I put on 25's and went for speed- 95lbs. I have seen people put chains on the bar and I did not understand it till today. It allows the weight to increse as you lift the bar, so I put on two tow chains I have. I think they are 22lbs each. You can really feel the weight as the bar goes up. I pushed for speed the whole time, gonna do more of these.

Have a great day.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday 3-28-11

Do not, I repeat do not warm up on the bike then try to do 150 squats. DAMN my legs hurt. A good day other than that. No normal warm up as the workout was-
70 squats-- 50 pull ups-- 20 ring dips
50 squats-- 35 pull ups-- 15 ring dips
25 squats-- 20 pull ups-- 10 ring dips
time was 24:22.

Warm up was 20 min on the bike 6.49 miles

I start couch to 5k tomorrow, gonna try to get it done in the morning to set a routine.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday 3-27-11

Figured I would get up a couple of pic's of my workout room. Top one is where I warm up, cuz I can hang my rings. Second is my pile, can't jump so that is why the boxes are buried, hope to get them out soon. My surf kayak is in the back. Third is my homemade squat rack, I have had almost 300 on it to see if it would hold , so far so good. Last one is where I chuck weights around, I have plywood under the stall mats, as I was digging big holes in the ground.

So far today is going good. Got in my warm up 30 push-pull-dip-squat-sit ups. Then the WOD. I did 1/2 mile run- 21 45lbs c-n-j- 1/4 run 21 45lbs c-n-j 1/2 mile run.

Hero workout.

"Abbate" Run 1 mile I did run-ish
155 pound Clean and jerk,
Run 800 meters
155 pound Clean and jerk,
Run 1 Mile

U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Matthew T. Abbate, 26, of Honolulu, Hawaii, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based out of Camp Pendleton, California, was killed on December 2, 2010, while conducting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Stacie Rigall, son Carson, mother Karen Binion, father Salvatore Abbate, and siblings Dominica Abbate, Elliot Abbate, Valerie Binion, and Kelly Binion.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Saturday 3-26-11

Made the mistake of not starting the day working out. I made my spinach and tomato omlet, then noticed the micro needed cleaning off. Got the counter cleared off, well might as well regrout the tiles they need sealing. Shit the end cabinet is moving around, long story short almost 12 hours working on the kitchen.
Then I got out for my warm up 30 push-pull-dip-squat-sit ups.

WOD was 255lbs deadlift-- 135 overhead squat REALLY??? 21-15-9 4t
What I did 155 dl-- empty kayak rack bar ohs 12-9-6 4:28

I could not put any weight overhead. Empty I got full range of motion. Yes I did try the empty olimpic bar, my back just locked up and both heels lifted off the ground. The other week I did overhead squats and did better. My back locked up the other day on wallballs. gonna have to give it time.

Our grandson showed up on Friday, Carson David Mottershead. Poor kid, I know a guy with most of that name. I hope he has better luck with it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday 3-24-11

Do not run on a squat day!!! It does not work, well for me it did not. I did a HIIT run today, 5 min warm up 1 min on 90 sec off till 20 minutes total, so 6 runs. Then I tried to do the WOD of the day. 5 rounds of 20lbs ball cleans 15 reps then 20lbs wall balls 15 reps for time. I was dead and done after 2 rounds, 5:18. Back could not take any more.

Food was
Left over chicken with pork and veggies
meat and cheese rolls

Daughter is in the hospital delivering our grandson. Wish them both well.
Have a great day.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday 3-23-11

Another good day today. Car shopping with our youngest, she got a big lesson on how bad driving will effect the cost of insurance, OUCH.

Food today
Spinach and eggs, with 1 sausage
Fish sandwich
Chicken and veggies

Warm up of 30 push-pull-dip-squat and sit ups
Then I gave the crossfit total a try. It went well considering how little I have lifted. Strict press 95lbs failed @ 105. Back squat 205. Deadlift 255 went well then I got greedy, I put on 50lbs to 305. It did not move at all. I dropped down but I had used it all up.
Total 555. Last time I hit 675, I really need to remember I am starting all over again, instead of thinking I am picking up where I left off. I just need to give all I can but being smart about my limits.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday 3-22-11

Today was a good day. I got in over 5 hours of yard work, which included taking down a few trees. Getting stronger every day.
Todays food was-
Oatmeal and berries
Chicken salad
Chicken Alfrado- Not going to count this as clean as it came from a bag.

I got in my usual warm up 30 each of push-pull-dips-squats and sit ups.
Then I did 30 minutes on the bike. 1-10 3 minutes each level. 8.71 miles

It is great to be able to work all day long without having to stop every half hour.
Have a super day.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday 3-21-11

I was gone all weekend, there was a memorial for a surfing friend who was killed by a drunk driver. Ellen was the most up beat, happy and giving person I have met in a long time. Her smile was so infectious, you could not help but be lifted up when you saw her. It is no wonder she was a cancer nurse and as you can imagine nurses are my favorite people on the planet.
On Saturday we held a Hawaiian paddle out in the surf spot below their house. It was my first burial, it was a very beautiful ceremony. It really helped to say good bye.
She would of been glad as everyone were hooting and hallering as they surfed in to the beach.

I know not workout related, but I believe very much health related to grieve and then move on with the job of life. I did paddle for quite a long time on Saturday, around 1 1/2 at first then 2 hours later. This is a big deal as last time I was in the surf I could only last for 10-15 minutes, so better and stronger everyday.

I will update more in a bit as I need to workout today.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday 3-18-11

Had a great day today. Up early to get in my workout, heavy squat day.
Warm up
30 push ups
30 pull ups assisted
30 dips
30squats 30 sit ups

WOD: 5x1 max overhead squats started @ 45-55-60-65-70
front squats started @ 70-90-115-135-155
back squat started @ 115-135-155-175-185

This is not too bad, considering. OHS were and are something I need to work on. Right side was hurting and left heel was lifting on the ohs, hope it gets better as my joints get better. Front squats were ok, need more core strength. Might of had a bit more on them. Back squats, I felt like I had quite a bit more on them. Figured I should leave a little in the tank for a while longer.

Then I spent the rest of the day helping a friend unload a container of new kayaks. It was good spending the day with a good friend. Now for the weekend, we have to say good bye to a friend. Unfortunately she was killed by a drunk driver the other week. Ellen was the most optimistic person I have ever met. Always a smile and kind word for everyone. It is going to be a very sad weekend.

I am not sure how much I will get in this weekend, but I will get something done.
Peace to all.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday 3-17-11

Happy St. Patrick's day.

Today was alright, I overdid it a bit today. I got in 20 min of bike this morning, not positive, think it was around 7 miles. I forgot to write it down before I left this morning, It felt good for a morning warm up.
I then did 3 hours of yard work at our daughters, most of it was raking. She has a pretty big yard. I could feel it was starting to take its toll, but the ex son in law and I got it cleaned up. I felt tired but not whooped, until I had dinner then the stomach pain kicked in. My belly just locked up and turned into a great big hard ball. It looks like I will pass on doing another double today, max squats prob not good for the tummy.

Food was kinda messed up too today, as far as timing went.
Oatmeal, pb and berries
Apple and banana for snack
Early dinner: Roast beef, a small potato, onions, carrots and celery

I so want to hit another workout, but I know It will not do me any good. So I will move the squats to tomorrow morning, before I help a friend unload a shipping container of new kayaks.

I hope not too many of you overindulge, not that I ever did too much on St.Paddy's day. Have a great one.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday 3-16-11

I am bad at these things. I get going then peter out, gonna try, no I am going to write something everyday I am home.

Today's workouts
warm up 30 assisted pull ups-30 push ups-30 assisted ring dips-30squats-30 sit ups.
Crossfit WOD: First workout for the open.
As many rounds as possible in 10:00
30 double unders-- 75 lbs power snatch 15 rep
Sub-- 90 singles-- as rx'd - 2 rounds 90 singles- 12 power snatches.

Later on I did 20 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill, 1 min on 2 walking. My running is going to be a slow process, kinda bumming me but nothing I will not get over.

I keep thinking I am as strong as I was before the chemo. My joints, especially my knees are really sore. I put braces on both of them before I workout. I started lifting again on 2-28-11, I could not squat to save my life. Air squats are now full depth. Weighted squats well, we will see tomorrow.

Food: Spinach-Mushroom and Sausage omelet
pw whey protein
Chicken salad
Leftover pork chops.

Awesome day! Hope yours was too.