Anyone else have to wrestle just to get here to post?
Yesterday was a strange day.
Started out doing some yoga, even got hunny giving it a try. She use to do it quite a bit, classes and such. But with all that has been going on here she stopped. We started following something online, the frustration started as she could not hear and was rushing from worrying about messing up. Having all this time together has made it where I can tell when she starts to feel overwhelmed. She really starts to panic.
So we stopped that and went to work on sun salutation, a easy sequence.
I was trying to calm her down and get her to breathe, when she went into a full blown panic attack. The rapid breathing and crying and shaking. I am like WTF "how come your panicking?" she said " I am afraid, I could not remember what we just did"
I am getting this out here because I need to. I believe that my cancer and all that went with it has hurt my wife more than me. I think the stress and strain has changed her, possibly forever. I fear so much I am loosing her, she is not the woman she was a few years ago, she was never afraid of anything. Now she is afraid with me in our living room. She says this happens to her at work, a lot. There she runs and hides. My psychiatrist is going to see her soon I sure hope she can help Helaine, it would suck if my being well came at the price of hunny's happiness :(
Sorry about that it started flowing.
I have been doing great since the challenge is over. Whats the deal with that???
Two rounds of yoga yesterday. 20 min on the stationary bike.
7 rounds
95 lbs cleans 3 rep
4 push ups
Today 3.3 mile run.
Crossfit WOD
3 rounds
squat snatch one arm 10 rep@ 35 lbs that went to 20 lbs left arm could not lift it at all???
15 sit ups
10 reps left arm
10 hanging knee raises
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