Wednesday, June 1, 2011


First day of the summer challenge.

Today was a good day. This morning my shoulders were still killing me from the other days Murph. I bet it might of been the 200 push ups. Luckily, I have been doing much better about warming up. Fast walk on the treadmill, 2 rounds of box jumps and KB swings 1 pood. Then a good 10 minutes of band stretching on the shoulders.

I got in my 2 burpees, first burpees in almost a year. Not diving into the WOD yesterday, 150 pull ups 150 burpees, was a good idea. Doing it would of took me out for quite a while. Must be getting a little smarter, yeah right.

Then on to the WOD 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 power cleans.
I did some work with the pvc pipe, trying to get my squats to work, not happening. Then on to the empty bar, it is hard for me to work with it. I need to spend way more time with it though.
I started @ 95 worked up to 135 before counting them as lifts for the day. 135-145-155-165 fail-165 fail -145-150-155-160 fail. The pulls were good, felt really good. At 165, I could not get my elbows around fast enough. I wish I would get under the bar, I know this holds me back on a lot of bigger lifts. Need to remember it will take lots of time. I have only really been lifting for 6-7 months over the last year and a half.
I know I am giving it plenty, because around a hour or so after my body it is just shot for a while. Not the muscles but the nervous system, just feel whooped on.

Eats were good. Spinach from our garden, peppers and eggs with chicken sausage for breakfast. Left over sausage and beans for lunch. Green beans and tuna for dinner.
A really good way to start off the challenge.

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